Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I wasn't feeling too appreciated today.
It started with a comment from my husband, that was a thump to my heart and then when my daughter came home, a tone of voice, then an attitude. A slow boil started. I told them both that I could not say that I felt unappreciated, because that would imply that they noticed things I do and try to do to make their lives better. I just felt like (and told them so) that id didn't really matter if I was here or not. I felt like a piece of furniture. You assume the furniture will be there and when you sit down it will hold you, but you don't really analyze the furniture or think about it. It is supposed to be there and it is.
Yes, I felt like a couch. An old one.
So they ate dinner and I stewed. I can't eat when I am upset. I was thinking about all the things I had done today...and this week, and their whole lives. Things to make their lives happy, and good , and better. Then the mistake I made, was I talked to God about it. Yes, I did say that I made a mistake to talk to God. Normally, I am the one urging people to talk to God about whatever is bothering them. Normally that is what I do and I am happier when I do. Well, I wasn't happier tonight after talking to God.
I apologize to all of you..all my friends and family when I have urged you to talk to God and tell you that He will help you and ease the pain. I have forgotten to tell you, that sometimes when you talk to him, if you are honest and just pour it all out, He doesn't make you feel better, you feel worse because you talked to him. Yes, that is what I said, you heard me right. Close your mouth. You feel worse.
So I was telling God how I felt..and we know He knows ALL that I have done for them. He knows the stuff I have forgotten that I did. He listened. He let me rant till I ran out of words. His response? He didn't strike them with lightning. They sat there happily eating the dinner I fixed. He didn't make them feel badly about their behavior (not that I could see). He agreed with me.
He agreed that it hurt to be taken for granted. He agreed that it hurt to feel like after all you have done, poured yourself out to someone, and they ignore you, that it hurt. He agreed it hurts to feel like you aren't even thought of during the day. He agreed that it is much nicer when the ones you love so much take time out of their day to talk to you and see how you are, without wanting something from you. Yes, He agreed with me and totally understood. He understood from experience.
See, I have done that to Him. You have too. So now you know why I didn't feel better.
Only someone who has been there-done that, understands how you feel. See while He was agreeing, my toes were hurting from being stepped on.
So I did give them both a good night kiss and I am not mad anymore. I can't promise I will never feel that way again, I am human. But we are to look to Jesus for our example of what to do. So if He could give His life for me, and still love me and forgive me when I am neglectful of Him, then I can forgive and love my family. Nothing I have done is comparable to what Christ did.
I didn't feel better when I first prayed. But now I do. Glad we have a heavenly daddy, that knows how to set us back up on the right path, even if it hurts to walk cause my toes are sore!

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