Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Displaced and Blessed!

I have recently joined the ranks of American’s to be “laid off” work. My job, in fact the whole department is being moved to South Dakota this summer. Thank goodness Americans will be employed with our jobs and they aren’t being sent overseas... There is a comfort in that fact.

Laid off. Outsourced. Displaced. Whatever you want to call it, it still translates to” out of a job.” I have severance pay. Seven months of it, which is more than most of my coworkers have, because I have been with the company for ten years. At age 56, this is not the prime time for looking for a job. Not because I don’t believe in myself or I can’t contribute, but because corporate America is one of two things: youth oriented or cheap. Young is preferred and companies don’t want to pay you for your experience. In most cases if they can get someone else at less cost,that is preferred. After all, the job doesn’t have to be done “that” well!

There was a time in my life when I would be very stressed at this news, but that was before all the incidents my family and I have been through over the past 18 months. God had my back then and He has it now. This was a surprise to me, not to God. He knew about it all along and since He is allowing it, I am fine with it.I intend to use the same process for this change that I used for that one: prayer. Prayer changes circumstances, changes how we react to them, changes us.

Meanwhile, I have seen many positive advantages to this “negative” in my life. For one thing, I won’t have to worry about how my daughter, a rising freshman will get to Band Camp and back this August, while I am at work. I will be able to take her!

My oldest daughter pointed out that I will get to be the “Stay at Home Mom” I have always wanted to be, even if only for a small amount of time. This translates to being home when my youngest comes home, having dinner ready at a normal time for my family, instead of coming home to fix dinner at 7 pm.

I can work on my book I am writing and do so in normal hours, while I am fully awake, instead of in the wee hours. I can get my poems gathered and in my books. I can pursue publishing some of my work.

I can get my house organized and together. The last ten years of my life have presented one" level 10" challenge after another and my house shows it.

I can actually work with my photography and use the wonderful camera that my family gave me years ago.

I can organize my pictures and get pictures printed.

I can work on gifts I want to make for Christmas and I can write letters that I have wanted to write for a long time and never have time or enough hours in the day.

I can volunteer in the area’s I love with children, older folk, and the homeless.

I can spend time with my sisters and my mother-in-law!

So many positives…… is really hard for me to see this as a negative. My glass is not empty and it is not half full, it is running over. I can hardly wait for this lay off! God is giving me a break. A breather.something I have not had for a long time.

I will have more time to spend with him and to hear His voice, see His hand in my life.I don’t know my future, but I know who holds it! Jer29:11 clearly spells it out!

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